USDA Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP)

Help for Certified Organic Farmers


USDA TOPP - Southeast

The Georgia Organic Peanut Association is proud to be a state-level partner in the Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) - Southeast. This USDA-supported initiative supports transitioning and established Certified Organic producers with fruitful mentorship opportunities, workshops, on-farm trainings, and a variety of educational resources. Florida Certified Organic Growers and Consumers, Inc. (FOG) is leading TOPP efforts in the Southeast, from Louisiana to North Carolina and including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Besides GOPA, organizations in Georgia offering TOPP-related outreach and assistance are

If you are a farmer or food-handler based in Georgia and would like to receive more information about TOPP or free assistance obtaining organic certification, please reach out to GOPA or Georgia Organics.

Mentoring and Technical Assistance

Through TOPP, Florida Organic Growers is managing a new Farmer-to-Farmer Mentorship Program for anyone interested in becoming Certified Organic. This program is designed to build connections between experienced organic producers and producers transitioning to organic, provide support for the transition process, and create a stronger network of Certified Organic farmers across the United States and in the Southeast. Both mentors and mentees will receive stipends for participating. Hear more about the program on FOG’s Fresh Take podcast.


For Mentees


  • Receive support from experts in your area of production

  • Receive up to $500 for eligible educational events

  • Create and/or update an Organic System Plan and farm assessment with your mentor


  • Plan to transition an operation to organic, add new organic acreage, add new organic certification scopes, and/or start an organic operation.

A full list of qualifications and responsibilities for mentees can be found here.


For Mentors


  • Up to $3,000 stipend for each year (additional stipend if more than one mentee)

  • Professional development opportunities including training and workshops

  • Develop and strengthen teaching and facilitation skills

  • Foster the growth of organic farms and farmers


  • Owners, managers, employees, or retired producers of certified organic operations with at least 3 years of direct experience with organic certification

A full list of qualifications and responsbilities for mentors can be found here.


Producers transitioning to organic can also request technical assistance with understanding Certified Organic regulations, developing an organic system plan, implementing a successful record-keeping system, and preparing for an organic inspection.


Picture of a mule-drawn tine weeder. From USDA Farmers Bulletin 1127: Peanut Growing for Profit, 1920.

Picture of a mule-drawn tine weeder. From USDA Farmers Bulletin 1127: Peanut Growing for Profit, 1920.

Alongside applications for the mentoring program, the TOPP website hosts an events page, where farmers can search for in-person events in their area, as well as virtual workshops and seminars on organic production.

Producers looking for more educational information can find topics divided into categories such as — “Organic Inputs and Materials” and “Organic Farm Business Management” — on the TOPP resources page.

Additionally, Florida Organic Growers staff hosts regular “organic office hours” for those interested in organic practices. This free interactive event is an opportunity for farmers to receive clarification and guidance about their questions and concerns about organic certification and organic practices. Visit the FOG events page for upcoming dates.

Regional Events

Upcoming TOPP-funded events in the Georgia and neighboring states are published below. Please continue to visit this page, as new workshops and field days are announced continually.


Questions about TOPP - Southeast

If you are looking to transition to Certified Organic production or add Certified Organic acres to your farm or if you have questions about whether organics is a good fit for your operation, please reach out to us. If we cannot help, we will find someone who can.


For more information about how to participate in TOPP activities in the Southeast Region, please contact Florida Organic Growers:

Email -

Phone - 352-377-6345

For more general questions, please fill out the USDA TOPP general interest form.

*This project is supported through the United States Department of Agriculture(USDA) Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP). TOPP is a program of the USDA Organic Transition Initiative and is administered by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) National Organic Program (NOP).